Case Study Detail | Homepage Manager

Case Study

Sugar's home page provides users with valuable record information via various dashlets (e.g. My Activity Stream, My Accounts, My Products, etc.). Users can add additional dashlets as desired as well as create new dashboards within the same home page to group a different set of dashlets together as per their viewing preference.

The Requirement

The requirement for this pulgin was to develop a homepage manager that will allow the user to add additional dashlets and create a new dashboard within the same homepage.

How It Works

Dashboard: Home page consists of dashboards where you can group certain dashlets together based on the information you would like to view. Users also have the option to modify the dashlets that appear in the dashboard, change the dashboard names, as well as create new dashboards if they wish. Creating dashboards: Users can create new dashboards if they wish to group a different set of dashlets together outside of the default dashboard. This will allow them to easily view the information they need in one place via the specific dashlets grouped under each dashboard.

How Product Helped

The product helped the user to add additional dashlets and create a new dashboard within the same home page to group a different set of dashlets together per their viewing preference.


The challenge for the Ideadunes team was to develop a plugin that would add an additional dashlets and create a new dashboard that will be used by the user.


This Plugin allows the user to do the following. 1)Creating dashboards 2)Switching between dashboards 3)Configuring dashboards 4)Renaming dashboards 5)Deleting dashboards 6)Adding dashlets 7)Rearranging dashlets 8)Editing dashlets 9)Refreshing dashlets 10)Deleting dashlets


Sugar's home page provides users with valuable record information via various dashlets (e.g. My Activity Stream, My Accounts, My Products, etc.). A user's homepage display the "Suite Dashboard" by default, which will include dashlets (e.g. My Activity Stream, My Accounts, etc.). Users can not only add additional dashlets, but also create new dashboards within the same home page. .

Client Feedback

The client got a plugin to add additional dashlets and create a new dashboard within the same home page to group a different set of dashlets together per their viewing preference.

  • Client Name :
  • Vertical : Other
  • Year : 05 Jun, 2017
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